Deciding on a handbag to invest in can be harder than it sounds. Purchasing a designer handbag can be a substantial investment. Handbags are the ideal accessory to elevate any ensemble, adding a touch of personality and style. My fascination with designer handbags began in childhood when my grandmother gifted me a Burberry bag. The timeless design and luxurious feel of the leather left a lasting impression on me. Since then, I've always appreciated the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into creating these coveted accessories.
When contemplating the purchase of a luxury handbag, a multitude of factors come into play. Personal style, practicality, and the alignment of the item with one's overall aesthetic are all important considerations. While I appreciate luxury handbags, they are often costly. Given that the price tag of many luxury handbags can be equivalent to an average month’s rent in the United States, it is crucial to approach the decision with a sense of financial responsibility.
That said, I do love certain designer pieces that I know will stand the test of time and I’ll wear over and over again. A bag can be a lifeline. Nearly 60% of my closet space is consumed by cross-body bags, oversize totes, and embellished clutches, most of my bag collection spans more than 10 years. While I have a collection of affordable finds and high-end designer vintage pieces, there's something remarkable about the indie-label bags that sit in my wardrobe which begs the question: How to shop designer pieces to get the utmost value?
Let me just state the fact: you don't have to be rolling in dough to be able to afford a designer handbag. The secret to finding luxury accessories for less all goes back to knowing the shopping hacks everyone in the fashion industry depends on. Candidly, the only reason I've been able to build a collection of luxury handbags is because of a series of tricks that I've learned over time, but I won't make you wait years to acquire this shopping knowledge.
Additionally, it's worth exploring different avenues for purchasing designer handbags. Consignment stores and online resale platforms can provide access to pre-owned designer handbags at a fraction of the original cost. You may experience a bit of lowered pressure when purchasing designer bags secondhand. It's also important to be wary of counterfeit products, which are unfortunately prevalent in the designer handbag market. As long as you buy from a reputable source there isn’t much to worry about in terms of authenticity plus having a bag that’s already been carried makes it less stressful in regards to “ruining” or getting the bag dirty/used. While I still take great care of my bags, it puts a little less stress on me. Within the digital space and more there are more than ever before, there are various ways to shop online for secondhand designer handbags.
To ensure your bag remains adaptable and stylish for years to come, it's best to avoid trendy or heavily branded bags. Instead, opt for classic bag styles that have a timeless appeal. Remember that exceptional craftsmanship is key. Bags that typically feature clean lines, minimal embellishments, and little to no visible logos are important. Focus on bags made from high-quality materials and fabrics also tend to age well and withstand daily wear and tear. Neutral colors like black, brown, gray, and navy are always a safe bet as they can be effortlessly be paired with a wide range of outfits and colors. A well-made bag will not only look more refined but also last longer and maintain its shape and structure over time. Look for bags with sturdy stitching, reinforced handles, and well-finished edges. These details are indicative of a bag that has been crafted with care and attention to detail.
Ultimately, the decision to purchase a designer handbag is a personal one. It's about finding a balance between desire and financial responsibility, and choosing a piece that reflects your individual style and complements your lifestyle. Investing in these handbags will save you time and money in the long term, as well as making your wardrobe more sustainable (because you’ll wear them on repeat). Whether you’re considering splurging on a designer bag or are in the market for a more affordable option, it pays to consider a timeless style. No matter how much you’re spending, a bag that transcends each season is fundamentally what you want – a timeless handbag will not only carry your essentials but elevate your outfit, too. As with the rest of your wardrobe, curating an edit of handbags will ensure you’re covered for all occasions.
There's endless choices of chic handbags to choose from. Our curated edit of accessories is the secret to elevating your outfits. On our checklist: a selection of subtle handbags that can punctuate anything you own in your wardrobe and you’ll be wearing for years to come; accessories you’ll be reaching for daily.
Ahead, you'll find my ultimate guidebook on how to buy a designer handbag for a discounted rate. Use one or multiple tips from this story, and securing your own bag will be well within your budget in no time.
Shop our curated collection of timeless bags
First order of business. Do your homework. Research, research, research. The secondhand market is booming with a reported to grow 127% by 2026. Scouring various vintage shops in person or online is a good start. But if you can't spend hours yourself doing due diligence, you'll want to shop from trusted resale retailers that will guarantee your bag's authenticity, like The RealReal, Vestiaire Collective, Fashionphile, Rebag, and LXR.